Jan Berger
Institutional Genesis

After the dramatic detonation of the gallery building in ‘Art... is My Burning Passion’ the faculty of the Mythical Institution was plagued with visions of resurrection. The ghostly apparition began to manifest: on distant shore it dreams, yearning to be called into existence.

The event series Is Marie Therese Good or Bad? consisted of communal events, workshops and social gatherings. As we together cherished nature’s offerings, the realm organically grew and all sorts of things magically curated themselves onto its welcoming surface. Although the realm and its amenities were gradually summoned, the nature of its forme, at the time, remained unknown. Upon the accomplishment of a symbiotic unity with its collaborators, the saga of an outlook reached its completion — and the realm’s telos has revealed itself unto us.

Though accessible for members of the Mythical Institution’s Board of Trustees (MIBoT), the realm’s whereabouts were utterly incomprehensible to the public.