Great Bay:
The adamant walls of an outlook rise above a dramatic coastal panorama. The Great Bay is home to a rich spectrum of maritime fauna and flora. Although fairly uncommon, participating artists have reported the sighting of dolphins from atop the northern archway of an outlook.

Ancient Swamplands:
The Ancient Swamplands lie to the west of an outlook. The murky waters are not uncomplicated to traverse by foot, hence, the Mythical Institution recommends to not cross them without boat.

Southern Reaches:
To the south an outlook is gazing across the far reaches of lush woodland. The Southern Reaches stretch all the way to the Marie Therese Memorial Lake and consist of dense oak forests and occasional clearings.

Marie Therese Memorial Lake:
The serene waters of the Marie Therese Memorial Lake are protected and declared a low-emission zone.

Academy Plateau:
The Mountain range to the east of an outlook features a plethora of different layers of rock that are rich in various minerals. There used to be an active volcano here, although only a small natural lava stream reminds of its geological past.

Mythical Wetlands:
A humid stretch of land consisting of mainly birch trees and small rivers. It surrounds the outer corners of the swamp with rather dense bushes.

Outer Continent:
Some say it lies on the edge of the very world itself. Rumours claim it is home to an ancient civilisation. No one has ever set foot on the Outer Continent to prove this theory though...
